Mrs. Georgia Littleton Coordinator/Teacher

The Gifted and Talented Program at Booneville is called E.L.P. (Enhanced Learning Program).

The GT teacher provides enrichment activities K-2 classes twice a month in which she goes into their classroom and does activities with those students. Lessons are provided for each teacher in those classes when she doesn’t visit them.

Students are referred for E.L.P. at the end of the 2nd grade-12th grade. This process is open all year, however is usually done during the Fall and Spring. Students may be referred for testing by their parent, teacher, or themselves. Once a student is referred the process begins with a series of testing and paper work. If a student is selected by the Selection Committee they will begin attending the E.L.P. classroom for 150 minutes per week. If they are not selected that only means their needs can be met in their regular classroom and not in the E.L.P. classroom.

3rd-6th grade students attend the E.L.P. classroom daily. They are provided with critical thinking activities, project based activities, hands-on activities, field trips, etc.

Quiz Bowl and Chess are offered through the E.L.P. classroom, as well.

7th-12th grade students no longer have a class called “E.L.P.”. They will be taking Pre-AP and AP courses, concurrent classes, advanced classes. They may also take a regular core class in which the teacher differentiates their lessons to provide the best education possible for the identified students not taking one of the other courses. The GT teacher visits with these students once a month by emails, texts, notes, or monthly visits to their schools. These students also have the opportunity to be in Quiz Bowl and Chess. There are many more things available at the Jr. High and Sr. High level for GT students to take advantage of while attending those particular schools.

We have an open door policy and are always available for questions or comments. If you need to contact the GT teacher, please feel free to at any time.

Georgia Littleton
1 (855) 675-3339 Ext. 1810